Thursday, July 10, 2008

An early return- but for a reason

The reason for the comeback, much awaited FRA(popularly known as MANAC) quiz happened today afternoon.
I was feeling reasonably comfortable when i saw the notice board (guess it was also smiling n happy like the tuchchas) where it was written a short quiz at 2:30. I was comfortable till i got the paper. After that just a word to describe the next 25 mins as far as it concerned me: "DISASTER".........
I thought most of them would have done well, but majority was with me. Few had an OK kind of response for the paper.
But some responses heard aload were
  • Royally Screwed
  • It came, I saw, It conqured
  • F#$k!!!
Out of the two balance sheets and the income statement needed for the firm, no one including me managed to come up with atleast one. I heard the CA's in our batch too were not able to complete. Anyways my first MANAC quiz, not at all worth remembering. People say you will get used to it!!!
Only 'Disaster' management thing i did: Went straight and bought another accounting book, which seems to have a lot of problems. Hopefully things will change!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Making of an MBA- How to waste the precious?

The most precoius thing out here.. thing i waste the most.. TIME!!!
10 days in to the regular course n all i figured is n different ways to spoil the precious stuff
  • chatting/orkuting
  • blogging ofcourse!!!
  • movies
  • DBABBLE/DC++(IIM-A stuffs..)
  • buying books ( i dont know y, bought half a dozen books in this 10 days.. read none among those!! read two other books which i took from another FPM guy)

I have always had the habit of repenting after figuring out i could have done better. Unless i forgive myself for the past misdeeds(i mean only for the last 10 days), it gonna hit hard on me.

If seconds can change a life, how many seconds have i wasted!!! Thinking d other way, unless i change... its a life waiting to be wasted!!!

(Hopefully no more blogs in recent future)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Making of an MBA-My first WAC report

Printer jams, network issues, WAC run[see iima-jargons], nothing happened as expected. An unusual WAC submission i suppose.
Few words on what this WAC is, (what i know) we are given a case and we assume the role specified and are supposed to write a report to the specified people on the decision we are gonna make. This report has got a structure which should be followed and the whole report should be logical. Your decisions should be supported by facts.
If anything goes wrong, like formatting, word count, tense etc you are gonna lose grades.
by the by, WAC stands for Written Analysis and Communication.
Then the fun part, you have to submit a hard copy and soft copy during a time slot given. Failure to do so, you are gone!!!. And they check all copies using some software, i dont know what and even if they find some six similar words appearing together, u r again gone, but this time out of the institute. "Cogging"[See iima-jargons] strictly prohibited.
I finised my report with atleast two hours to spare. Our dorm printer cartridge had to be replaced, so i got it printed from the near by dorm. Things were smooth as far as i was concerned. Though few things happened. Rohan and Deepu were locked in their rooms, Rohan climbed out through his balcony(If he had fallen his WAT not WAC would have gone). Deepu was finally unlocked 10 minutes before the deadline. It is heard tucchas[again see iima-jargons] love to talk to you, enquire bout ur happiness when we are on the way to classrooms atleast to spoil the few minutes they could. I could see some of them panic even with 20 ought minutes left.
Needless to say after the submission slept without no sense, as i did get barely 2-3 hours of sleep yesterday night.
One gone billioons to come!! i overheard

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My First PC...

A decade, thats time for which i have been using my own PC's. Today when i am obsessed with computing power and memory, i still have that PC with me.

a note on its configuration:(what i remember)
-pentium processor (nothing more to describe it, at that time it was something special)
-16+8MB ram
-3.2GB hdd
-windows 95
-CD Drive(something uncommon that time)
n additional UPS for around 10k.
The whole system cost my dad around 60-70k

while typing in my lenovoR61, which has RAM almost equal to the hdd size of my old pc(3GB RAM), i still believe that PCS system(forgot to mention earlier..vendor of that machine was PCS)played an important role what ever i have achieved till date. When i am supposed to start research on Information Systems in a few years time, i clearly remember how i used to love simulation games, i still. n ofcourse i did have an email id in the late 90s.
The system made me someone special in my high school. I used to allot time slots for my class mates to come home, n they all received equal opportunities to play against me. At times i liked playing single when they were all waiting. Those guys, many of them software engineers now working across the globe still remembers how cruel i was :). But still i am the one they consider as their 'guru' in this field.
During my senior secondary, the system remained almost untouched and in the vacations it refused to come back to life. Then the inevitable happened. Upgradation!!! A new board, 40GB hdd, 256MB of RAM n Windows 98. This time no refusal to a new life. Me, Dilip and this PC occupied our C-3 room in the mens hostel of GEC Thrissur. The grad years saw many changes in her, from speed to burns. But still it managed to cope up with new kids across the hostel with whom there was new technology n style. She was there for seminars to projects. n was connected to the www almost 24 hours a day...
In 2008,she still manages to boot up the XP in her, occasionaly finds it difficult to find her hard disk, but after few reboots manages to display,login screen
Welcome Sudeep...Enter your password...

Its raining heavily in Ahmedabad

One small thing makes you so happy. Memories of the finest place, Kerala keeps rushing in. Rain wherever it is, is fun. I am back in my room after a long midnight stroll, in knee high water. The monsoon has announced its arrival in the west. Or at least here at IIM-A. I did walk with an umbrella, as in now way i can afford to fall sick.
Sitting in my room, with balcony doors open letting the rain in, is fun; but i do have to take the pain of clearing water from my room, or wait till vinod bhai is here to clean the room. Still what else can i afford here in the midnight when i am still to finish my preparation for Financial Reporting and Analysis, well known as MANAC or maniac. Yet another July(one of the finest friend i ever had too was born in July, another in May) has just born, yet the first day is so far for me.
Its raining outside and my balance sheet is not yet balanced!!!
For those who are peacefully sleeping, learn to dream...
"Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn!
Look to this Day!
For it is Life, the very Life of Life.
In its brief course lie all the
Verities and Realities of your Existence.
The Bliss of Growth,
The Glory of Action,
The Splendor of Beauty;
For Yesterday is but a Dream,
And To-morrow is only a Vision;
But To-day well lived makes
Every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness,
And every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.
Look well therefore to this Day!
Such is the Salutation of the Dawn!"