Printer jams, network issues, WAC run[see iima-jargons], nothing happened as expected. An unusual WAC submission i suppose.
Few words on what this WAC is, (what i know) we are given a case and we assume the role specified and are supposed to write a report to the specified people on the decision we are gonna make. This report has got a structure which should be followed and the whole report should be logical. Your decisions should be supported by facts.
If anything goes wrong, like formatting, word count, tense etc you are gonna lose grades.
by the by, WAC stands for Written Analysis and Communication.
Then the fun part, you have to submit a hard copy and soft copy during a time slot given. Failure to do so, you are gone!!!. And they check all copies using some software, i dont know what and even if they find some six similar words appearing together, u r again gone, but this time out of the institute. "Cogging"[See iima-jargons] strictly prohibited.
I finised my report with atleast two hours to spare. Our dorm printer cartridge had to be replaced, so i got it printed from the near by dorm. Things were smooth as far as i was concerned. Though few things happened. Rohan and Deepu were locked in their rooms, Rohan climbed out through his balcony(If he had fallen his WAT not WAC would have gone). Deepu was finally unlocked 10 minutes before the deadline. It is heard tucchas[again see iima-jargons] love to talk to you, enquire bout ur happiness when we are on the way to classrooms atleast to spoil the few minutes they could. I could see some of them panic even with 20 ought minutes left.
Needless to say after the submission slept without no sense, as i did get barely 2-3 hours of sleep yesterday night.
One gone billioons to come!! i overheard