Friday, August 29, 2008

One of those sleepless nights at IIM-A

Yet another weekend has arrived!! Time to utilize more of the only commodity which increases its marginal utility with each unit consumed(economics is taught well here:P, there exists something called law of diminishing marginal utility which basically tells if u use something more and more the pleasure derived from it keeps on decreasing).. SLEEP!!! I guess I am the only person who spares more than eight hours per day for this highly valued commodity!

After welcoming the weekend with a nice movie, "Rock-On", I am in good mood to write.
Let me write about of those usual nights here at IIM-A in an unusual way. Two doctoral students(one of course me!!) who always shared d same dream, publish a book!! The movie also tells the story of similar people who deferred their dreams for their future! Or is it a future!!!
Let me try to recollect chunks of our google chat yesterday (DC1: doctoral candidate 1, me and other guy DC2).. It went well some what like this

DC2: u know that life is going haywire when beyond the very

DC1: how come??

DC2: u know that life is going haywire --when ur dearest wish is that there be no quiz tomorrow

when ur vision of future ends with the very next day.when u feel guilty for sleeping 5 hrs a day

when life,death,friendship and family pales before a 5 percent weighted quiz

DC1: i can understand but still i admit a good one :)

DC2: i am just practising on u. Intend to write a full blog on it

DC1: nice

DC2: pls spare me of ur indifferent comments

Questions about the insignificance of one's actions.

The unbearable lightness of being...OR IS IT REALLY SO LITE?? That would be one thing I can accept after a drunken stupor in the wee hours of morning ..something when I am wasted and not normal...anywayz not in my rite senses.. To ppl who say decisions don't find, I just ask --are they so light so as to belittle its significance in the longer run...IS ONCE REALLY NONCE?? Then the decision maker in question is just as insignificant and unworthy of existing as the decision itself...

DC1: i was planning to write about one of those days

DC2: me too was thinking about the book again

the one i intend to write

DC1: :)

But not now. Do financial markets!!

Survive, struggle for the life

wen u r sure u will survive, think about d future

till then the future is limited to our tomorrows!!

DC2: my future isn’t confined to the red bricked walls of this 'institution'

DC1: if a 5% quiz cost u one year in your life

It does matter

Didnt u wish for 5 years in your life to be within these walls?

Now when u r here.. u want to break the walls n reach out for the outer world


DC2: I had wished for a long time that I would be within these walls..

DC1: Surviving here means.. the world outside will be under ur feet

Hero.. wake up!!!

just few days of hard work.. thats all wats required for ur success

DC2: I was never a hero and might never be

DC1: everyone born,are born as heros!!

when u start thinking.. u lose way

but when u think, think the right way, u know u r!!

DC2: When u walk on the edge, the way down at times seems the better option :)

DC1: but there is always a way UP!!

the road less travelled... :)

chose it, n it will make all the difference in ur life

DC2: u can confirm and be on the rest or break free and still be the best..maybe in ur own eyes alone ..but that might be what counts ultimately

the way up is the oldest road known...

u can confirm and be like the rest

DC1: the path to go up, can be unknown

And being the common is not always wrong.

when u think, u r a hero... u r!!

atleast thats what i think, and the way i want to think

DC2: not me.. but that would be the path i would like to try out now

DC1: all the best wishes

DC2: i might want to do something less but that has to be my decision not someone else’s

Maybe after 5 years

DC1: hope we can be companions in the road ahead

DC2: sorry i am not gay...and i have already found my companion ;)

maybe u can try david

DC1: loser!!! u spoiled the whole mood

anyways its 1:38

let me sleep

DC2: 1:46, u got it wrong

DC1: but lots to read before i sleep

"Trustme"-Rajashree is yet to be finished

Dude u continue with ur corporate finance

DC2: finish and then gimme

Wake me up at 7 or the earliest u wake up

have to read Financial reporting

I am ordering two books online

hope it will reach here by the time our exams finish

DC1: Look guys who chose the road ahead are already done with readings n u!!


Which all books?

DC2: the unbearable lightness of being ...milan kundera

you are here ...meenakshi reddy madhavan

DC1: i know atleast the authors’ name


DC2: me too

have been wanting to read that book for long

published long back

DC1: time to say good bye for one more night at iima

DC2: sleepless at iima

DC1: good night amidst the portfolios betas n CAPMs...

DC2: lemme muse over my pitiful life for some more time and then get back to reality.

DC1: bye

DC2: never say bye.. atleast untill u die

DC2: wow i am in form today

DC1:I am also not bad!! But today is no more and will never again be a today! The tomorrows are waiting!!

Thus ended one more of our days at the best b-school in Asia-Pacific!!